• Question: What kind of science do you like

    Asked by karatekid060404 to Stephanie, LauraAnne, Katy, Helen, Emilia, Dan, Andrew on 4 Nov 2016. This question was also asked by Jaydon, bells cleverclogs.
    • Photo: Dan Gordon

      Dan Gordon answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      This is going to sound a bit of a cony answer, but I like all science. I am a physiologist, but for me to understand how the human body functions I need to understand chemistry, physics, maths, biochemistry etc. I have also read a lot of work from ecology and even astrophysics. Why you may ask. These books and papers have been written by some of the greatest scientists in history and so I can learn, perhaps just snippets of information. But if you really had to push me for an answer, I suppose I would have to go with physiology as that is my passion.

    • Photo: LauraAnne Furlong

      LauraAnne Furlong answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      I like all of it, but I do prefer the biomechanics end of things. Because I look at how muscles work and function, I am interested in the physiology of the body, but I will admit there were parts of it I didn’t enjoy a lot 🙁 I really like an area which is linked to psychology and neuroscience, called motor control, and this is an area which is all about how we control movement, from our brain down to the individual muscles, and understanding just how much the human body can actually do. For different jobs I’ve been involved in, I’ve needed to understand psychology, maths, computer science and even things from geophysics (it was very different!), but the biomechanics and motor control are my favourites. I like the science which tells us most about movements – how we do them and why we do them 🙂

    • Photo: Katy Griggs

      Katy Griggs answered on 6 Nov 2016:

      My interests lie mainly in Physiology, Human Biology and Ergonomics, though like Dan and Laura mentioned many different disciplines of Science are interlinked. That doesn’t mean you have to like all disciplines of Science to be a Scientist, but I think once you start learning about a certain area and you see how it is applied in the “real-world” it helps your understanding of different aspects of Science.

    • Photo: Emilia McAllister-Jepps

      Emilia McAllister-Jepps answered on 6 Nov 2016:

      I like any science that has a practical application to getting the boat to move faster. There are lots of different types of science, but on a daily basis I deal with more of the physiological stuff, so if I had to vote for one kind of science it would be that!
