• Question: How do you help the environment?

    Asked by Isabella to Stephanie, LauraAnne, Katy, Helen, Emilia on 14 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: LauraAnne Furlong

      LauraAnne Furlong answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      I like going hill walking and being outdoors, and one of the important things we remember is to ‘Leave no trace’, so we make sure to always take rubbish home, and leave the area as we found it. My running research is to help stop people getting injured, so I hope I can help the environment by making sure more people are out and about, enjoying the outdoors and appreciating it needs to be looked after for future generations…so I hope I’m helping it that way in a more roundabout way!

    • Photo: Katy Griggs

      Katy Griggs answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      I try to active commute to work when I can so bike or run to work. I also recycle everything I can. I also like to grown my own vegetables and fruit in my garden to become more sustainable.
