• Question: laura could you explain to me what would happened if I broke a leg?

    Asked by Inés Pérez to LauraAnne on 14 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: LauraAnne Furlong

      LauraAnne Furlong answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      When a bone breaks, the first thing that happens is a huge inflammatory response at the site of the break. A lot of the swelling around the area may be filled with blood. A callus is formed around and between the broken bits of bone around the end of the first week, and is very disorganised fibrous tissue which is quite weak – think of it like bits of wool trying to stitch the bone together. Between weeks 4 and 16, this callus starts to mineralise and the bone starts to grow back slowly between the broken bones until eventually the bone is fully healed. It might take up to six months for full strength to return.

      In young people, bone may heal so well you would never know it had ever been broken. In adults however, this is not always the case and evidence there had been a break might be there for life. The bone healing process can be slowed down if there is poor blood supply to the area, if you are older, you put too much weight on the bone too soon (which can happen quite easily if it is a leg break, and is why you will be on crutches and casted for at least 6 weeks), or you are taking certain types of medication.
