• Question: What are you going to do to make the to make the team for the olympics? x

    Asked by 827sprg52 to Emilia on 6 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Emilia McAllister-Jepps

      Emilia McAllister-Jepps answered on 6 Nov 2016:

      Hi, thanks for your question!

      There are lots of things that you have to do to make the team. To be able to compete at the Olympics your country has to qualify for the event, which for the next Olympics in 2020 would mean coming in the top positions in the World Championships the year before.

      To be selected for the GB team you have to race on your own, known as a K1, and if you are within a certain time, then you are invited to do more racing to see if you would be suitable for a spot on the team. The times we have to meet are based on the Gold Medal times from the previous World Championships, for example if I was 7% slower than the Gold Medal Time, I would not make the team. But if I was 4% slower, I might be invited to try for a crew boat.

      And of course there is all of the training in between!
