• Question: What are your opinions on apple removing the 3.5 mm headphone jack from the iPhone 7?

    Asked by AJ5025 to Andrew, Dan, Emilia, Helen, Katy, LauraAnne, Stephanie on 13 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: LauraAnne Furlong

      LauraAnne Furlong answered on 13 Nov 2016:

      I don’t have an iPhone so didn’t realise this had happened, but I guess lots of people aren’t happy with that?

    • Photo: Katy Griggs

      Katy Griggs answered on 13 Nov 2016:

      I don’t have an IPhone 7 but do have an I phone. I think it is a probably a money making exercise for Apple to make more money out of their customers.

    • Photo: Helen Hanstock

      Helen Hanstock answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      I realise that this is probably more of a hindrance than a help for many people AND that Apple have a tendency to create products that drive people into spending more money (e.g. making iPhone batteries that only last around a year before they no longer hold their charge, and charging 10x the actual price to replace them).

      But I also think that Apple are a company that aren’t afraid to make step-changes that help to drive new technology forward and into the mainstream. I reckon in 5 years time using headphones with wires will be so 2015 that we’ll be saying ‘why on earth did we ever complain about phasing out something that gets tangled at every opportunity when there were wireless alternatives available!?’
