• Question: why do you work on a frozen land instead of a warm place because isnt it better to warm up your muscles when its warm

    Asked by anthony to Helen on 14 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Helen Hanstock

      Helen Hanstock answered on 14 Nov 2016:

      Well, lots of people live in cold places and some sports (such as the winter sports that I work with) by their very nature take place in cold environments.

      So, if you are a skier, you would want to know how best to warm up and keep your muscles warm so that you can perform at your best. I think that warrants some research and that is the job of me and my colleagues!

      The Swedes have a saying – ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing’. I think it’s very true, especially when doing outdoor sports in the winter time!
